Virtual Enablement (VE) experiences are technologically advanced 3D games designed to simulate complex team building activities; therefore, you need to ensure that your computer system is effectively set up to participate in these sophisticated team-building experiences.

We built a checklist below to follow, so you have everything ready before participating in any VE session. When well prepared, you will have a higher chance of having a positive, productive, and fun experience.

Let’s start with the checklist below, but do not leave this to the last minute. Do it in advance to get the opportunity to remediate any issues you might experience beforehand.

1Computer Devices
You can use any computing device running Windows 10 or Mac OS. Devices such as laptops and desktops are the only devices that can work appropriately for such games. Devices that you CAN NOT use: - mobile devices - tablets, and - any device that does not have a physical computer mouse or a keyboard
2Compatible Browsers
Our VE games are streamed online and are compatible with browsers that support specific technologies. Browsers that are compatible with our VE games are: 1- Google Chrome, and 2- Firefox We recommend installing both just in case one does not work; you can quickly switch to the other browser and continue your participation with the team.
3Network Requirement
The Virtual Enablement games use high-quality pixel streaming technologies to give you the best and most realistic experience. However, the side effect of that is that you need a high-speed and stable internet connection. The minimum internet speed required is 10 Mbps at download. Use this website to test your internet speed as it provides the most accurate results. https://fast.com This type of interactive streaming is also sensitive to the distance between you and your modem or router providing the internet. The best experience will always be a wired computer connected to the router; however, most people use WIFI to connect to thier routers. WIFI routers are great for surfing the internet, but they suffer lost packets, which can negatively affect your experience while playing the game. As a result, we ask you to be as close to the wifi router as possible. You should never exceed 20 feet away from the router.
4System Microphone
You require a working microphone to voice-chat with your group. Therefore you must have a working microphone and be accessible via the browser. To test that, we recommend you try using this site in advance before joining the game. https://mictestonline.com/ OR this https://www.onlinemictest.com/ Both these sites use similar technologies to connect your system microphone to the browser and our conferencing bridge to speak with your team members during the gameplay.
5System Speakers
To hear your team's conversation and the actions in the game, you need to have a working speaker or a headset. Here is a website where you can check your system sound. https://soundtest.io/
6System Mouse and Keyboard
Virtual Enablement games require a working computer mouse or a trackpad, as well as a functional keyboard. You can still play without a computer mouse, but it is more natural to use a computer mouse. Some users customize their computer mouse in a specific way, making it too sensitive to play these games. Therefore, we provided you the option to work entirely using the keyboard functions. See the list of the Keyboard keys and associated game functions. W = Move Forward S = Move Backward A= Turn Left D= Turn Right E= Look Up X= Look Down F= Interact with Objects Hold the SHIFT = to talk. Tab = To see other teams' statistics. Also, you can use the arrow key as well. Upward Arrow = Move Forward Downward Arrow = Move Backward Left Arrow = Left Sideway Movement Right Arrow = Right Sideway Movement Computer Mouse Movement is 360-degree movement, but you still need to use the Keyboard to move forward and backward. The left mouse button (LMB) is used to interact with objects similar to the F key in the Keyboard. Important Reminder for people using Wireless Mouse and Keyboard: 1- Both must be fully charged 2- Have spare batteries around if you are using a keyboard and mouse that operate using batteries.
7Text, Voice, and Video Communication
Our Virtual Enablement games are text, voice, and video chats enabled. You can communicate with your group using text chat while inside the game by clicking the "Enter" key on your Keyboard; which will open the Chat window for you to chat, and when you finish writing, hit the "Enter" key again so you can go back to the gameplay. This text chat feature is only available when you start the game. The Voice chat works the same way but is enabled by Pressing and Holding the "SHIFT" key on your Keyboard. As soon as you release the hold of the "SHIFT" key, the microphone will stop transmitting any sound. We also enabled you to hear everyone's conversation in your group-game session without needing to press any keyboard keys. Besides, we allowed the voice chat feature even in the lobby areas before entering the game session. This way, your group can voice chat while everyone is gathered and ready to join the game.
8Practice Sessions
The Virtual Enablement games use specific keyboard keys and computer mouse interactions; therefore, requiring strong motor skills and coordination. We built you a practice game so you can practice these skills before playing the actual game. By doing so, you will be in better shape to keep up with your teammates and enjoy the gameplay, rather than struggling to navigate your way through and keep up with your group. Play Cube, or the Party Cleanup to practice. Remember, this is not the same as the actual game. These are only designed to help you practice before you join the actual game with your teammates. This is for Game controls practice only. Remember to have fun too. Click on the Resources Menu, Practice sessions, and then select any of the game you like to play. Repeat practicing until you feel comfortable with the game controls. In addition, practicing these games will indicate if you would have any issues with your internet connection, sound, or mouse and keyboard.

How to Register in the Platform

  1. Navigate your browser to the IVWM.ORG, select to register at the customer portal, and create an account. Click here to register.
  2. After completing the registration successfully and confirming your email (check your spam folder), you need to come back here to this website and log in using the same credential you used to register at the IVWM Website.
  3. You will be directed to the platform's dashboard, where you can see the calendar and your scheduled Virtual team building activities.
  4. When the organizer or facilitator starts the session, the system will notify you to join the session directly; therefore, you need to turn on your browser notification.
  5. In addition, each team session will have its private chat channel with all members included, including the organizer and facilitator. This is a great place where you can communicate with your team members

See the video demonstration on the left

How to Join a Pre-Game Session and Post-Game Debriefing Meeting

  • When you log in to the VE platform, you will be presented with your dashboard page. Click the Virtual team building activities you are invited for.
  • If you log in to the VE platform and the organizer or facilitator starts the meeting, you will receive a notification message. When you click on the message, the system will direct you to the event detail page where you can join the meeting
  • If they are disabled, then you must wait for the organizer to start the meeting. When the organizer starts the meeting, the meeting button will be enabled for you to join before the time of the meeting. Keep refreshing the detail page until it is enabled. You can check with your organizer and facilitator if the button is still disabled.
  • When the button is enabled, click on it to join the meeting. A new tab will open, and you are requested to grant the browser permission to access your microphone and camera. Accept to give permission, and you will be in the meeting with your team members, organizer, and facilitator.
  • If you downloaded the VE Mobile application, you would get a notification to join the meeting, but you will need to log in to the VE platform via your PC to join the meeting.
  • If you are not logged in to the VE platform, an email will be sent to your primary email address with the link to join the meeting. The link will direct you to the VE platform to log in and join the meeting.

See the video demonstration on the Right

How to Join a Virtual team building Session

  • When you log in to the VE platform, the system will present your event calendar. Select the Virtual team building event that you are booked for, and then click to view the event detail. If the game already started, then the system will present you with a Play Now button. Click the Play button, and it will direct you to a new browser tab where you can join the game session with your teammates.
  • If you log in to the VE platform and the organizer or facilitator starts the Game Session, you will receive a notification message. When you click on the message, the system will direct you to the page where you can join the gameplay
  • If you downloaded the VE Mobile Application, you would get a notification stating that the game has started, but you will need to log in to the VE platform via your PC to join the game.
  • If you are not logged in to the VE platform, an email will be sent to your primary email address informing you that the game has started. Click on the link email to direct you to the VE platform to log in and join the meeting.

See the video demonstration on the left

How to communicate with your teammates on the platform

    1. There are two ways to communicate with your teammates in the platform.

    • By login to the platform using a web browser;
    • By using the VE Mobile Application

    2. In either method, you click on the chat tab and select the group you want to chat with. The VE system automatically creates a group based on a scheduled VE Event.

    See the video demonstration on the Right

Wish you amazing virtual team building experience with VE!