Training, Certification & Working are all Done Online

Earn income as a certified facilitator by getting trained and certified in virtual enablement team-building.

The Exciting Work of the VE Facilitator

  • Prepare, engage, and motivate the team before the team-building event
  • Schedule and facilitate the team preparation session on the day of the team building event.
  • Schedule and facilitate the team preparation meeting on the day of the team building event.
  • Provide team technical support and gameplay support during the team-building event.
  • Observe and assess the team throughout the experience and record result in a VE mobile application which will result in a team observation report.
  • Schedule and facilitate the post-event meeting for debriefing and reflection.
  • Kickstart team improvement by engaging team members to list action items based on their experience in the event.
  • Follow-up with the team regarding action items and team progress.

Steps to get enrolled to become a Certified Facilitator

Apply to get qualified

  1. submit submitan application
  2. Get interviewed.
  3. Get accepted to take the course.

Register, complete the VE facilitator course, and pass the certification exam.

  1. Upon acceptance, pay for the 2-days online training course.
  2. Register for the course based on the course schedule.
  3. Complete the course.
  4. Pay for, and pass exam.
* Only accepted candidates are allowed to take the course and attempt the certification exam.

Join the Force

  1. Create a profile in the Virtual Enablement Platform.
  2. Setup your availability
  3. Get scheduled for an event.
  4. Facilitate VE events.
  5. Earn income.

Active Engagement and Client Satisfaction are Key Success Factors

Click here to read more about the Event Observation Option
* Earnings listed are current rates subject to change without notice.
* Revenue sharing based on customer referrals.

Course Schedule and Pricing for 2023-2024